The more I write, the more I learn and for me, that is love. Obviously, my interests are many but most are about awareness, truth, behind the scenes types of stories and what really goes on. It is not always easy, like for me and doing "Our Little Darlings Die", it was almost impossible. I am close to finishing the last book in the series and still I struggle, especially now as child sex trafficking seems to have taken a back seat to anything and everything else. I do believe that children are our future and that they need to learn the basics of anything necessary for their survival in life. My new cookbook, "Kid's Gourmet Cookbook", I have put together some very basic recipes for kids of all and any age, although some definitely need adult supervision, the actual "making it" is all in the kids' hands. As I am a fairly new writer, I haven't received many reviews or comments but the ones I have received weren't entirely, "flowery", lol. But that is fine, as the comments and reviews help me to adjust and learn what I am lacking or excelling at. So, thank you to those who graciously left a few comments and gave advice and thank you to Amazon and Kindle for allowing writers like me to make a few bucks while honing their skills. I am an information, research, history and Jesus nut and when I make a post, oftentimes people will challenge my post because honestly, they are hard to accept. That doesn't make them any less true. My sister will advise that if I share it or say it, it is most likely true. There have been the odd times that I didn't research and did share and in that case, once I learn, I do go back and delete it. Misleading people is always wrong unless you're a magician or story teller. I like to share the research I find with others, mostly because I don't think it is right to lie to people for manipulation purposes and it has become crystal clear to me that deceived is primarily all we have been for centuries. So, if you enjoy ancient history, archaeology, medical research, politics, religion, secret societies, Book of Enoch and other topics in an "off the beaten path" kind of way, then you and I have much in common and I would especially like to share my materials with you. I'd be honored to have you share your experiences or knowledge with me and maybe all together, we can come one step closer to really know what is happening in our world. Thanks for your support and Merry Christmas to all!!!!