Laura Gallego

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Laura Gallego is a YA Spanish author, specializing mainly in fantasy. She studied Spanish literature and language studies at the University of Valencia and in 1999 she won ‘El Barco de Vapor Award’ with Finis Mundi, a novel set in the Middle Ages. Three years later she was granted this same award for The Legend of the Wandering King. She currently has thirty published works under her belt, mainly focused on young readers, and counting with more than one million copies sold in Spain alone and with translations into sixteen languages. Her most popular works are: The Tower Chronicles, All the fairies in the Kingdom, Wings of Fire and especially the trilogies Idhún's Chronicles and Guardians of the Citadel. In 2012 her novel, Where the Trees Sing, won the National Award for Children’s and Young Adult Literature. Her new novel, "All the King's men" is already available in bookstores and it's a sequel to "All the Kingdom's Fairies".

The first volume of her trilogy Memorias de Idhún (Idhun's Chronicles) has been adapted into an animated series by Netflix.
