Diane Madden Ferguson

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Diane Madden Ferguson is a US Navy veteran and retired law enforcement officer. She is a graduate of Benedictine University with a Master’s of Science in Management and Organizational Behavior.

Undertow is Diane’s first book. Her paper on "Gender Specific Stress in Law Enforcement" was published in the Western Illinois University Online Law Journal's very first issue in 2010.

Diane’s personal experience with MST compels her to share her journey in a mission of caution and comfort to those serving in our military. It is her hope and intention with this memoir and her website to create a platform to enact change and create awareness of the magnitude of this pervasive issue within the military culture.

Diane has now been married for 38 years and living in the western suburbs of Chicago where she has been blessed to raise a family with her husband, Michael. With all children now grown adults, Diane and Michael cherish the comfort and companionship of each other and their Boston Terrier, Mercy.

Her favorite pastime is enjoying the company of her grandson, Owen, as often as possible—whether on Skype or traveling to see him in person where he lives in Liverpool, England. She also enjoys DIY television and creative projects that involve repurposing trash to treasures.

As a writer and now published author, Diane herself is truly a literary treasure and so much more!
