Professionally Certified Life Coach and Weight Loss Coach, Joann Filomena speaks widow to widow having walked this path herself after the sudden loss of her husband. A California girl turned New Yorker, now living in the heart of the beautiful Hudson Valley; she is the producer and host of “Widow Cast” podcast with listeners spanning the globe. Joann uses her life experience and coaching skills to help numerous clients through the life journey of reinventing your life and even yourself after becoming widowed with incredible authenticity and compassion. As a Life Coach, she has seen profound, seemingly impossible transformations in clients: The new widow who felt all her life plans pulled out from under her on the death of her husband, now moving ahead in her life with direction and purpose. Widows who feared they could not live alone finding how much they can savor and thrive in their very own space. The widow who could not even get out of bed most mornings now looks forward to each new day. Joann constantly reminds us all that we can move forward after loss into tremendous personal growth, even as we carry those we’ve lost in our hearts.