Ta-Wei Chi


/// www.taweichi.com /// Ta-wei Chi is a writer in Taipei. His queer science fiction novel, _The Membranes_, originally published in Chinese, is available in Italian, Korean, Japanese, French and English. (Danish and Spanish translations, forthcoming.) His queer speculative story collection, _The Pearls_, is available in France. He is associate professor of Taiwanese literature at National Chengchi University (www.nccu.edu.tw), where he teaches LGBT studies and disability studies. His monograph in Chinese, _Tongzhi wenxueshi_, discusses LGBT and literature in Taiwanese history from the 1960s to the new millennium. (Japanese translation of the monograph forthcoming.) 紀大偉,國立政治大學台灣文學研究所副教授,著有專書《同志文學史》、科幻小說《膜》等等。個人網站:www.taweichi.com


