John McCarthy advocates for student voice and agency. He works with schools across the United States and in different parts of the world on innovative practices, such as Differentiation, College & Career Readiness Skills (aka 21st Century Skills), Authentic Learning Experiences, Project-Based Learning, Instruction supported by Technology tools, STEAM, Systemic and Culture building. “So All Can Learn” provides a vision and instructional tools that support these and other innovative practices. Publications by John can be found on his blog,, as well as for,, EdWords, and other sites. Find a complete list at: With wide ranging teaching and coaching experience, John consults, and is an adjunct professor at Madonna University. He has taught English and Social Studies in high schools in three different states, that included communities that were rural, urban, suburban, high poverty and high affluence. He spent years coaching in elementary to high schools. John has been a consultant for several organizations, including the Buck Institute for Education, Co-nect, and Wayne RESA, serving many schools in diverse settings. “So All Can Learn” is inspired and influenced by the context of these wide ranging experiences, so that educators in all of these settings will find much that addresses their needs. John McCarthy is available for virtual and in-person talks about So All Can Learn. Contact him through Twitter - @jmccarthyeds - - or at