Laurie Winkless


Laurie Winkless is an Irish physicist and author. After a physics degree and a masters in space science, she joined the UK’s National Physical Laboratory as a research scientist, specialising in functional materials. Now based in New Zealand, Laurie has been communicating science to the public for 15 years. Since leaving the lab, she has worked with scientific institutes, engineering companies, universities, and astronauts, amongst others. Her writing has featured in outlets including Forbes, Wired, and Esquire, and she appeared in The Times magazine as a leading light in STEM. Laurie’s first book was Science and the City (Bloomsbury). Her second, Sticky: The Secret Science of Surfaces was published worldwide (also by Bloomsbury) earlier this year. She is an unashamed nerd who loves to chat. Follow her on Twitter: @laurie_winkless


