Andrew Copson

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Andrew Copson (b.1980) was born in the town of Nuneaton in Warwickshire, England. After studying Classics and Ancient and Modern History at Balliol College, Oxford, he worked for a year in Citizenship Education, but then became a full time humanist activist and writer. At the age of 28 he was appointed Chief Executive of Humanists UK (then the British Humanist Association), a position he has held ever since. Since 2015 he has also been the elected President of Humanists International (formerly the International Humanist and Ethical Union). He has led the development of the 120 year old British Humanist Association in new directions, including a broader emphasis on community services work alongside its traditional advocacy, campaigning, and education activities. His writing reflects this, being on both the values and philosophy of Humanism, and political secularism.
