Agatha lives in the North West English county of Lancashire with her two cuddly beagles and one cat. When Agatha isn’t writing, she loves reading head-scratching mysteries and thrillers, coffee, baking, and exploring her local countryside on long dog walks. From a young age, Agatha devoured the great British murder mystery books and television shows, ample inspiration for her Peridale Café and Claire’s Candles series. She loves writing about family women who juggle their ordinary village lives with the challenges of amateur sleuthing. Add in some good food, close friends and family, cute pets, and plenty of twists and turns, and you have a classic Agatha Frost mystery. WANT TO STAY UP TO DATE? Agatha tries to publish often so you’re never waiting too long for the next instalment in a series, so sign up to her FREE newsletter at: www.AgathaFrost.com Follow Agatha Frost across social media to stay up to date with the latest books, giveaways, and the occasional pet and countryside picture.