Lisa Fraley is a Legal Coach® and Attorney, speaker and sought-after expert on small business law. With her unique blend of coaching, legal expertise, and spirituality, Lisa has supported thousands of heart-centered entrepreneurs, coaches, and small business owners protect their businesses, income and brands with basic legal contracts, entities, trademarks and templates so they don’t worry, stress or fear being sued. You can connect with Lisa at
Lisa’s known as the Holistic Lawyer® for combining her caring health and life coaching skills with her background as a health care attorney in a large law firm, and she uniquely aligns legal steps with the chakras.
Lisa received training as a health coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, life coach through CoachU, and she's a certified fitness instructor through American Council on Exercise (ACE). She studied the chakras through Chakredy, and earned her BA, with honors, from Miami University (OH) and juris doctorate from Case Western Reserve University School of Law where she was the managing editor of Health Matrix, a law-medicine journal.
Lisa is the author of “Easy Legal Steps...That are Also Good for Your Soul" and creator of the Get Legally Covered So You Can Go Bare go bare online legal course.