Adrienne Nash

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Adrienne May (Nash) was born just after World War 2 began in September 1939. She found the first years traumatic, with bombing raids, doodlebugs, (V1s) and V2s, the German rockets bombs.

Her parents favoured private school but could not find the right one. By eleven years old she had attended five different schools. She was then sent to boarding school in Cambridge from twelve years old to eighteen.

She worked first for the Bank of West Africa, working five years in Sierra Leone, a bank manager aged 21. She then returned permanently to England, living in Norfolk and worked as a company representative for an American food company winning a prize for the greatest increase in turnover out of 130 sales staff, then as waitress in a country club, bar manager and finally in the Civil Service in accounts and later as a paper buyer (buying up to 50,000 tonnes of paper in a year) and then as an auditor of office machines rented to Government Departments all over England.

She retired at age 56 and devoted the next eight years to her 92 year old mother, in which time she began writing novels. She is the author of 46 novels and other works, most of which are on Amazon. This year 2023 she has four books being published and one new manuscript being edited and one more just begun.

She skied until she was 79. Used to windsurf all year round in the North Sea and in the far more attractive waters of Greece.

She lives alone with Milly her cat, sees friends and plays bowls.
