For as long as I can remember, I have had a foot in multiple worlds. Born in the nation's capital to a 6"5 blonde hair blue-eyed father and a new to United States Korean mother, my childhood took me to many lands. I have spent formative years in Puerto Rico, Venezuela, and Saudi Arabia, but most of my time has been in Cocoa Beach, Florida. I am currently living with my partner and two cats in the Bavarian State of Germany.
I grew up in areas where a lot of people didn't look like me. I ended up joining the worlds created by fantasy authors. Starting with the classics like Tolkien and Lewis, I devoured fantasy literature. At the tender age of ten, my sister opened my mind to the works of Anthony and Pratchett and my love for the genre intensified.
As I got older and read all that there was to read, video games were exponentially rising in popularity. You mean a real, live, choose-your-own-adventure game? Sold! Literature, video games, and music have been my solid companions in life. It is an honor to share what I create with you, the reader. I hope my books bring you the joy and friendship I have always found comfort in within the science fiction fantasy world.
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