Brittany Newell (formerly known as Ratty St. John, occasionally known as Britney Smearz) is a drag queen and a rat. She was born in 1994 and still dreams about Pajama Sam. The Slender Man, Michael Jackson, and Richard O'Brien populated early fantasies. She currently lives in San Francisco with her wife and partner-in-crime Silk Worm aka Eric Eich; they perform together in pinkish bars and flop together in almost-warm parks. OOLA is her first book, which she began writing as an antsy junior in college. She is currently at work on her second book, a science fiction novel about CCTV and asexuality. She writes a monthly column for Dazed Digital. She has IBS and moves slowly. She enjoys wearing children's clothing and eating out of the trash (IBS be damned!). Glitter clogs the drain.