Jeff Bjorck is a clinical psychologist who served as a professor at Fuller Theological Seminary's Graduate School of Psychology from 1990 to 2020. His book, “Twilight Meditations: One Woman’s Thoughts of God as Alzheimer’s Advances,” (8-1-17) is his first venture into popular writing, with most of his previous writing found in scientific research journals. Since 1997, Bjorck has also composed and produced six solo piano CDs, and his music is played worldwide to millions of listeners through various online stations. His sheet music books are available through Amazon.com, and his music can be found at many online music sites and virtually everywhere digital music is available. Born to two artists, Bjorck’s multifaceted vocations typify his ongoing passion for a Renaissance man's approach to life. When not working or enjoying time with his wife, Sharon, Jeff occasionally likes scaring their two cats with his clarinet renditions of ’30s and ’40s big band tunes. He also loves to seek creative inspiration for new music by hang gliding high above the mountains of Southern California.