Cynthia Claus


Cynthia Claus has written two books about San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, where she lives, with the series title Inexplicable Mexico Contemplated. The first, published in 2020, is “A Lifetime to Get Here: San Miguel de Allende,” based on her blogs about visiting SMA, 2009 to 2012, for longer and longer periods of time and sampling all of the seasons before moving there as a residente permanente. The second, “Is This My Life? San Miguel and Beyond,” which highlights events experienced while living there almost full-time, 2013 through mid-2022, was published in late September 2022. Cynthia's evocative photos from those time periods complement both narratives. Cynthia has written two other books. In 1968-69, on a nine-week trip with her Indian husband and two-year-old son to India to present themselves to Suresh’s relatives for the first time, Cynthia meticulously kept a travel dairy and wrote frequent aerograms to family and friends back home, which they saved for her. Close to the occasion of her son’s 50th birthday, these resources, plus photos from that trip, finally saw the light of day and became the material for Cynthia’s first book, “An Orchid Sari: The Personal Diary of an American Mom in 1960s India,” published in 2017. Her next book, “Ice Cream & Pretzels and Other Stories: A Memoir,” 17 vignettes and a poem, came out a year later. In 1965, Cynthia received her B.A. degree in English from Temple University in her hometown of Philadelphia, PA. After a stint as a full-time mother, all of Cynthia’s employment was with non-profits in Philadelphia: after working with her neighborhood community organization and at an alternative school, Cynthia was employed for 13 years at a seminary, retiring as administrative assistant to the president for publications. Following retirement, Cynthia taught English as a Second Language (ESL) as a volunteer for 14 years, and then she travelled to San Miguel for the first time and the rest is history.


