Morénike Giwa Onaiwu, PhD, is a global self-advocate, educator and disabled non-binary woman of color in a neurodiverse, serodifferent family. Diagnosed with autism in adulthood after the diagnoses of their two youngest children, Morénike is a prolific writer, public speaker, social scientist/activist, and survivor whose work focuses on meaningful community involvement, inclusion, digital media, narratology, race, gender, human rights, justice, and intersectionality. Morénike, a Black (Yoruba, Caboverdiano, American) Xennial and parent of six biological and adopted children with disabilities, is a Humanities Scholar in the Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality at Rice University, a former full-time K-12 and college professor as well as the founder of a grassroots nonprofit, Advocacy Without Borders. A recipient of numerous awards, Morénike is a widely sought after keynote presenter who has been an invited speaker in the White House and the UN and loves reading, writing, beaches, Steven Universe, and Dragonball Z & Super. (website) @MorenikeGO (social media)