Donna Kohler

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Besides creating and writing, Donna rescues old sewing machines like some people rescue cats. Married to a Dutchman, Jan, pronounced yan, together they now write and design books.

Her first book was Treadle Sewing Machines, Clean and Use an Iron Lady, a good resource for old sewing machines.

For several years they lived in Holland, a great experience for Donna as an American, she learned to appreciate the Dutch heritage and love of anything “gezellig.” That word itself is part of the Dutch culture.

Now, living in California, they combine experiences of Europe, the medieval town where they lived, Amersfoort, and visits to Amsterdam, Paris, London, Brugge, Prague and other cities.

Donna designed and helped her husband built her castle shed, she says it is enchanted and protected by the gargoyles. Their home is full of their interests, a wall full of books in the living room, teapots in the dining room and treadle sewing machines in many nooks and crannies. Books transport them to the past or an imaginary world where dragons, fairies, and elves live. At night they think they hear the teapots bickering and the old treadle sewing machines talking about their adventures.

Donna’s favorite quote is by George Bernard Shaw,

"We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."

Visit combined website for books, sewing machines, and blog
