方勵之(1936.2.12-2012.4.6),知名旅美華裔科學家,1956年畢業於北大物理系。曾任中國科學技術大學教授,副校長,中國科學院學部委員。從1992年起,任美國亞利桑那大學物理教授直至去世。他亦榮獲了美國物理學會會士(Fellow),羅馬大學,多倫多大學等多所歐洲及北美大學的榮譽博士學位,美國科學進步聯合會(AAAS)會士,紐約科學院終身榮譽會員,是亞利桑那藝術,科學和技術學院奠基人之一,曾獲得1985年引力研究基金會論文首獎,1989年羅伯特‧甘迺迪人權獎,1996年美國物理學會Nicholson 獎章。
Fang Lizhi (February 12, 1936 – April 6, 2012) was a Chinese astrophysicist, vice-president of the University of Science and Technology of China, and activist whose liberal ideas inspired the pro-democracy student movement of 1986–87 and, finally, the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. Because of his activism, he was expelled from the Communist Party of China in January 1987. For his work, Fang was a recipient of the Robert F Kennedy Human Rights Award in 1989, given each year to an individual whose courageous activism is at the heart of the human rights movement and in the spirit of Robert F. Kennedy's vision and legacy.