Greg Williams

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Writers love to seek great stories, but for author Greg Williams, the best tales have always found him. As a boy, the darkest hours of the night invariably brought visits from strange characters, or epic adventures to exotic locations. In the morning his hand would scribble across the page, documenting each vision before the morning light could snatch it away. As an adult, his curious nature led him to places like the Congo in West Africa, and a rewarding career in the oil and gas industry, where Williams manages deep sea drilling crews of 140 members that span sixteen nationalities. Working in remote locations and high-risk scenarios, Williams has witnessed humanity at its best and most courageous, discussing the industry in his non-fiction work Deepwater Horizon—In the Moment. But it was his early connection to dreams that launched a lifelong passion for Sci-fi, which has culminated in the epic novel Exium which will be released at a later date on trade paperback.

Williams loves to connect with his readers.

You can learn more about his latest releases at:
