Becky Keife

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Becky Keife is the community manager for DaySpring’s (in)courage, an online community where women gather to build community, celebrate diversity, and live courageously for Jesus. In addition to their daily content on, (in)courage also offers Bible studies, devotionals, and a podcast to help women grow in their faith!

Becky is also a beloved speaker and is the author of No Better Mom for the Job: Parenting with Confidence (Even When You Don’t Feel Cut Out for It.) Through humorous stories, practical tools, and biblical insight, she loves championing parents in the thick of it.

Keife’s newest book is The Simple Difference: How Every Small Kindness Makes a Big Impact, along with a Bible Study called Courageous Kindness. As a leader and Bible teacher, Becky is passionate about helping others see more of the people in front of them, more of God’s kindness toward them, and more of His power within them. She and her husband live near Los Angeles, where they enjoy hiking shady trails with their three spirited sons. Connect with Becky on Instagram @beckykeife or at
