Aaron Hansen is an internationally recognized author and speaker who focuses on empowering teachers and their leaders using PLC and RTI principles. Aaron uses compelling stories, humor, and relevant evidence to help schools build strong collective responsibility and a belief in the collective ability we have to transform schools. He helps educators turn their schools into powerful places of personal and academic development for their students. Aaron’s passion and belief in educators that “the only thing stopping us is us” is contagious. As former principal, Aaron led the transformation of White Pine Middle School (WPMS) in Nevada into a nationally recognized, high-achieving school. WPMS won many awards including Title I Distinguished School, PLC Model School, and National Model School (2009–2012). It was the only middle school in the United States to be named a Middle School of Distinction (2010) by the International Center for Leadership in Education. Aaron has been featured in many books, articles, and TV news stories including ABC World News with Charles Gibson, American Morning (CNN), Fox and Friends (Fox Network), and a BBC documentary, all highlighting the changes he led in transforming school culture and developing the academic as well as social and emotional well-being of children. Aaron was named Nevada Innovative Educator of the Year in 2009. Aaron delivers his messages powerfully, through the lens of a practitioner who gets what real day-to-day work for teachers and leaders is like. He helps teacher teams understand the complexities of their work while simultaneously helping them take simple actions to get started and succeed quickly.