(NOTE: Author is currently writing under VJ Dunn. VJJ Dunn is an old pen name for the same author) I'm a Christian author who likes to write stuff that might be a little more off-the-wall than what the average Christian reader is used to. I'm positive that the Lord has a sense of humor (I mean, come on, have you seen the platypus? Seriously! You just know He laughed His head off at that creation!) and I like to make sure I get that humor in there somewhere. So my books might lean a little more toward a PG rating, but nothing more than what you might get in a kid's cartoon these days. I like believable characters who make people smile, cry, think, and yeah...laugh. Hit me up on my website www.vjdunn.com if you have any comments, suggestions, great recipes, cleaning hints, or if you want to maybe send me some dark chocolate. Blessings!