Jamie Kiffel-Alcheh (www.jamiekiffelalcheh.com) is the author of CAN YOU HEAR A COO-COO?, A HOOPOE SAYS, “OOP!”, LISTEN! ISRAEL’S ALL AROUND, KOL HAKAVOD: WAY TO GO!, RAH! RAH! MUJADARA!, MATZAH CRAZE, EXPLORER ACADEMY: FUTURE TECH, NERDLET: TECH, and the upcoming titles HANUKKAH AT THE LOWENTHALS (Kalaniot) and ASK AGAIN: THE CASE OF THE POT ROAST (Green Bean Books UK). Jamie regularly writes features for National Geographic Kids and National Geographic Family. She is also a rhyme-obsessed lyricist whose words appear in pop songs, ad campaigns and major motion pictures. She is a member of SCBWI and a graduate of Wellesley College.