Sharon Rene has loved to write all of her life, and her closet is stuffed with unfinished novels from her youth. She became serious about writing after joining American Christian Fiction Writers several years ago. TouchPoint Press published her first book of children's short stories and devotions entitled "A Mixed Bag of God's Grace", May 18, 2018.
The first book in her Young Adult/Speculative series, "Hesitant Heroes", will be published by Anaiah Press on September 7, 2021.
In 2062, a teenage computer master is trapped in a web of espionage involving kidnapped students and murder.
The reader can look forward to excitement, teen angst, and romance.
"Relentless Rebels" is the second book in the series and "Defying Destiny" is the prequel.
To learn more about Sharon Rene and her writing projects check out her website at
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Instagram @sharonrene2019
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