Ashlee and her husband,Clayton, have been married for over 20 years and have 3 children. They have been on staff at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas since 2004 where they currently serve as the Marriage and Parenting Pastors. For many years Clayton and Ashlee struggled in their marriage not understanding how to make each other happy. They have learned over the years that God didn't create marriage to make us all happy. That's just a bi-product of when you do marriage the way God intended. Marriage is about choosing to sacrificially love each other everyday. Clayton and Ashlee don’t have a perfect marriage but today they have a strong marriage and have a passion to help others.
At Lakewood Church they lead pre-marriage and marriage classes, marriage life groups, and marriage retreats that have hundreds of couples participating regularly. For several years they have hosted the annual Lakewood marriage conference called Spark with thousands of couples from across the country in attendance. There new marriage book from Emanate Books & Thomas Nelson Publishing is called Hope For Your Marriage and will ship January 23, 2018.