Julia Rocchi writes prose, poetry, prayers, and a lot of thank-you notes. Her book AMEN? QUESTIONS FOR A GOD I HOPE EXISTS (Lake Drive Books) is an encouraging read for fellow seekers, doubters, and questioners who still want to foster an active and deeply felt faith. This collection of graceful musings, prayers, and poems for a wandering, wondering, doubt-laden, hope-filled faith reflects the desire to believe as much as belief itself.
With an MA in Writing from Johns Hopkins University, she has garnered multiple story publications and honors, including First Place in the Saturday Evening Post’s Great American Fiction Contest. She most recently published stories in Furious Gravity (Vol. IX of the Grace & Gravity anthology series) and Dappled Things, and was a semi-finalist for Ruminate Magazine’s 2018 William Van Dyke Short Story Prize. Other stories, essays, and poetry have appeared in jmww, Bourbon Penn, 3Elements Review, Reflex Fiction, Mulberry Fork Review, Ekphrastic Review, and others.
In addition to writing, Julia works in nonprofit marketing, facilitates gatherings, and performs improv comedy. As an ENFJ, Enneagram 2, and Cancer sign, she’s never met a personality indicator she disagreed with. Julia lives in Arlington, Virginia, with her family. Check out her writing and find links to her social channels at juliarocchi.com.