Henry Firth

Henry Firth profile image


If you'd told us three years ago we were going to spend our lives cooking and eating amazing plant-based food, we wouldn't have believed you. We were a couple of mates from Sheffield who ate meat every single week.

Now we run BOSH!, the biggest plant-based online channel in the world. Our food creations were viewed by half a billion people in our first year and

our most popular recipe videos have been viewed over 50 million times. We never expected to have that kind of success, and it has been humbling.

'I was the one to first cut out animal products.'


'I mocked Ian when he went vegan, and asked him where he'd get his protein from. But eventually he won me over. That and the whole saving the world by not eating mass-produced animal products thing.'


After cutting out animal products entirely, both of us felt fantastic. But we had to re-learn how to cook and find food when we were out and about. We also found that the vegan food available in restaurants or in cookbooks was often, frankly, not very good.

Since then, it's been our life's mission to show people how to make delicious plant-based meals. However often they choose to do that.

We cook, drink and film delicious recipes for the world, all from our home studio in East London.

Henry and Ian
