Newsletter/Free book: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/gn79w4n5jg Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/annabella.stone.39 Website: https://www.annabellastone.com/ Binge Books: https://bingebooks.com/author/annabella-stone Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/annabella-stone Annabella Stone is the alter ego of a wife and mom, who was lucky enough to find happy ever after with her own personal hero. Annabella loves to write Romantic Suspense where warriors love harder when bullets fly. She believes in love at first sight and wants everyone to have the happy ever they deserve. Even if they have to dodge bullets and fight with everything that they are to get it. Born and raised in Ireland, Annabella has a Grá for a good story and the breakfast blaa, but funnily enough, prefers Jack Daniels to Irish whiskey. Having lived across 7 countries and 3 continents over the last thirty years, she loves to explore new places and cultures. In her world, coffee is king, and she is 100% sure it deserves it's own food group. Annabella is owned by a pack of malamutes, whom she loves to both work and show. If you can't find her at the computer writing, chances are she and her woofers have escaped to enjoy at day at a dog show, or they are on a mountain trail with the dryland rig or the sled, depending on the time of year. Annabella's motto is "Live life like a malamute who found the gate open, but take the time to enjoy the sights while you're running." Annabella loves meeting the readers who enjoy her stories so feel free to look her up on the following places: