David J. Cox


Dr. David J. Cox, Ph.D., M.S.B, BCBA-D, is the VP of Data Science at RethinkFirst and faculty in the Behavior Analysis program at Endicott College. His formal education spans psychology (B.S.), bioethics (M.S.), behavior analysis (Ph.D.), behavioral economics (post-doc), and data science (post-doc). He also is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst at the Doctoral level. In his first career life, Dr. Cox provided Applied Behavior Analysis services for a variety of populations spanning mental and behavioral health. Since 2014, his life has been consumed with research around decision-making, preference, quantitative analyses of behavior-environment relations, and verbal behavior. His current work largely centers around using behavioral data science to improve scale and improve population behavioral health, health decision-making, and ethical behavior. Follow Dr. Cox on Twitter (@davidjcox_), LinkedIn (linkedin.com/in/coxdavidj/), or ResearchGate (researchgate.net/profile/David_Cox26).


