Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I was born and raised in western New York, Fortunate enough to grow up just minutes from a small town called the Lily Dale Assembly. It is the oldest spiritual center in the United States. It was here that my spiritual journey began. My mother would bring me for what was called Summer Session since the winters coming off Lake Erie were so severe that everyone departed until Summer would return.
I am a self-taught artist, a gifted painter, ceramicist, mosaic and tile designer with a degree in interior design. A writer with a passion for creativity and I have a keen interest in the arts. Always reading; you will find that I have four or five books going at the same time. Everything from spiritual, self-help, poetry, romantic travels and the latest on scientific discoveries. I also enjoy listening to music, cooking, singing and dancing. I love dogs (all animals really) My newest edition. A ten-month old puppy named “Izzie” who has brought joy back into my world.
I now reside in Arizona and enjoy spending time with my son and daughter-in-law and my three wonderful grandchildren. Watching their cheer competitions, baseball and football games.
Circumstances, coincidences, synchronicities have all led me on a new journey of creativity in writing. My true reward is to bestow my readers with a sense of belonging and hope during times of illness, trauma, loss, grief and sadness. Because at the core of every human existence is survival.