PhD Johanna Blomqvist

PhD Johanna Blomqvist profile image


Johanna Blomqvist, PhD is a physicist, entrepreneur and internationally published author. In her work, she combines a wide variety of fields and methods in a unique way, often discussing topics from the cutting edge and unconventional areas of science. Since childhood she has been interested in understanding our reality, consciousness and our role in this universe.

Blomqvist is also a sought-after lecturer and trainer. She teaches courses in modern physics and self-development in an eye-opening way, with a strong emphasis on unlocking all human potential. Her continuing interest is also our connection with each other, and how we affect the reality we observe. She is also a remote energy healer and reiki teacher, and regularly organizes also group remote energy healing sessions free of charge.

Johanna's first book "From Quantum Physics to Energy Healing - A Physicist's Journey to Mind and Healing" was published on May 2018. "Hyperreality - Beyond the Horizon where Physics Meets Consciousness" was published on May 2021 and her third book "The Mystery of Water" will be available in fall 2024.
