Charity Bedell AKA Loona Wynd has been a practicing witch for nearly 20 years. She is trained in both modern Wiccan styled witchcraft and more traditional styled witchcraft. She is an eclectic witch drawing from many different cultures and traditions while keeping them separate in her practice. In 2013 she opened Mystic Echoes which is a metaphysical store specializing in handcrafted herbal products for use in magical and ritual work. She is trained in Usui Reiki (2nd degree) and Kundalini Reiki (master teacher). She also practices her own form of energy healing and spiritual work. When not practicing or studying magic, witchcraft or paganism Charity enjoys playing video games and being a geek girl. She enjoys Magic the Gathering, D&D, Pokemon, anime and reenacting the Renaissance era at Renaissance Faires.