Javier Álvarez-Mon

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Javier, a native of Spain, holds degrees in art history, religion, and Near Eastern art and archaeology, from the École du Louvre (Paris), the Graduate Theological Union and Jesuit School of Theology (Berkeley), and the University of California at Berkeley. A 2003 Fullbright-Hays (DDRA) fellow, he has taught at the University of Sydney (Australia) and is presently Associate Professor in Near Eastern Archaeology and Art at Macquarie University (Australia) and 2014–2018 Future Fellow (Australian Research Council). Within the field of ancient Near Eastern civilizations, he has become a leading specialist in the archaeology, art and culture of the Elamite civilization (ca. 4200-525 BC) and early Persia (ca. 550-475 BC). In Javier's own words: "I am privileged to carry the flag of a discipline I inherited from the foremost world specialists, my mentors Emeritus Professor and art historian Pierre Amiet (École du Louvre in Paris) and Emeritus Professor and archaeologist David Stronach (the University of California at Berkeley). As a result, it is an integral part of my work to combine methodology and praxis intrinsic to the disciplines of art history and archaeology. In particular, I am interested in the investigation, publication and preservation of the cultural heritage of ancient Iran. More concretely, my research seeks to provide authoritative scholarship in three areas of study: (i) delineation of Elamite art and culture, leading to the notion that Elam was one of the most original civilizations of antiquity; (ii) re-definition of the genesis and cultural characteristics of the Persian Empire, nurturing and providing artistic evidence for the notion that Persian civilization is the heir of Elam; and (iii) the development of new tools of artistic analysis for the understanding and appreciation of non-western art." Javier is author and co-editor of numerous articles and several books dedicated to the ancient Iranian civilizations of Elam and early Achaemenid Persia, amongst these: The Arjan Tomb (2010, Peeters), Elam and Persia (2011, Eisenbrauns), and The Elamite World (2018, Routledge). He has two forthcoming books, The Monumental Reliefs of the Elamite Highlands, a Complete Inventory and Analysis (from the 17th to 6th Century BC) (Eisenbrauns/the University of Pennsylvania Press) and The Art of Elam, ca. 4200-525 BC (Routledge).
