Wayne Pease

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Wayne Pease chose being a forest fire lookout so he would have time to read, write, and look out the window. Since he started doing this in kindergarten, it makes sense he would, when the chance arose, end up doing it for 55 years, an advantage being he could travel in the winter, direct plays, and pursue romantic entanglements. The time passed quickly. And before putting his other foot in the grave, he decided to publish a number of the manuscripts filling his drawers. He hopes others will enjoy them as much as he does. The manic desire to fill white pages with black letters and to click the camera button millions of times seems bizarre to him now. Why we do what we do still baffles him. His works contain a lot of question and answers, with nothing finalized. That's left for the reader to do.

blog: http://smokysunsheaven.blogspot.com/

photos: http://www.pbase.com/wwp

youtubbe: https://www.youtube.com/user/smokysun1/videos
