Major General Mark Musick meet Eva McLelland in 2002. Eva relayed an unbelievable story to Mark about how she was married to Howard Hughes while Hughes was living under an identity provided by the U.S. Government. After four years of research, Mark finally believed her story.
Hughes had taken the identity of a CIA operative who had disappeared in the late 1960's. Eva and Hughes met in 1969 in Panama, they married in 1970 and she kept the secret for the next 31 years. The funeral in 1976 was for a stand-in!
When Hughes actually passed in 2001, Eva was ready to tell her story. She picked Mark! For the the next seven years the truth about Howard Hughes was uncovered.
Hughes had a double, which was instrumental in causing confusion, and hiding the truth leading to the fake death and final three decades in the life of the mysterious Howard Hughes.