Karen Baugh Menuhin

Karen Baugh Menuhin profile image


Karen Menuhin, You can find out more about Karen Baugh Menuhin at https://karenmenuhin.com/

NUMBER 1 best selling author with sales of over 1 million books


1920s, Cozy crime, Traditional Detectives, Downton Abbey – I love them! Along with my family, my dog and my cat.

At 60 I decided to write, I don’t know why but suddenly the stories came pouring out, along with the characters. Eccentric Uncles, stalwart butlers, idiosyncratic servants, machinating Countesses, and the hapless Major Heathcliff Lennox. A whole world built itself upon the page and I just followed along.

Now, some years later, I have reached number 1 in USA and sold over a million books. It’s been a huge surprise, and goes to show that it’s never too late to try something new.

I grew up in the military, often on RAF bases but preferring to be in the countryside when we could. I adore whodunnits, art and history of any description.

I have two amazing sons – Jonathan and Sam Baugh, and his wife, Wendy, and five grandchildren, Charlie, Joshua, Isabella-Rose, Scarlett and Hugo.

I am married to Krov, my wonderful husband, who is a retired film maker and eldest son of the violinist, Yehudi Menuhin.

We live in the Cotswolds.

Member of the Crime Writers Association, Author's Guild, Alliance of Independent Authors and others.


Prequel: Heathcliff Lennox - France 1918 (Paperback only, see KarenMenuhin.com for your free ebook)

Book 1 Murder at Melrose Court

Book 2 The Black Cat Murders

Book 3 The Curse of Braeburn Castle

Book 4 Death in Damascus

Book 5 The Monks Hood Murders

Book 6 The Tomb of the Chatelaine

Book 7 The Mystery of Montague Morgan

Book 8 The Birdcage Murders

Book 9 A Wreath of Red Roses

Book 10 Murder at Ashton Steeple

Book 11 to be announced!!

And there are Audio versions read by Sam Dewhurst-Phillips, who is superb. He ‘acts’ all the voices – it’s just as if listening to a radio play. These can be found on Amazon, Audible and Apple Books.


So far there is only one book in the series, but more are in the pipeline.

Book 1 Miss Busby Investigates: Murder at Little Minton
