Offices and Publications Co-founder of the first Wichita Leather Pride, 2002 Co-founder of W.O.O.L.F., 2002 First Kansas boy leather titleholder, 2003 Former President of KC boys, 2003-2004 Author of The leatherboy Handbook, 2008, published internationally in both English and the German publication version Benutz Mich! Creator of the IMsL sashes and IMsL BootBlack patches for 2005– 2007 President, NLA-International, 2006–2010 Author of The Complete leatherboy Handbook, 2nd edition, 2012 Author of To Walk with Strangers, 2012 Wisdom Keeper to NLA-International, 2011–2018 Vince Andrews is a Leatherman dedicated to providing education and support to the community as well as continuously volunteering his services and his time to a broad range of projects. He has helped various leather clubs throughout North America over the years with their diverse formation and structuring needs, as well as helped with tasks like designing club logos, creating or revising bylaws, and creating and distributing published media to publicize organizations and their events. Also known for his organizational work and restructuring abilities, he offers advice and ideas to older existing clubs looking to update themselves. He was a co-founder WOOLF of Wichita Kansas, and revitalized and grew the KC boys of Leather. Most recently elected on its 20th anniversary, he served as President of NLA-International for over four years, overseeing one of the Leather community’s oldest and historically respected organizations, making him their youngest President at 29 years of age. During his term as President, he worked to restructure and revitalize the NLA-International organization, creating new innovations for its many chapters to ensure their next generation of leather folk with an NLA heritage. He has continued as Wisdom Keeper, advising the new Presidents of NLA for the next 8 years. After that he thinks it’s time to retire… as if that ever happens. His passion is archiving magazine collections as well as digitizing previous printed magazines and newsletters. He enjoys digging deep into old documents to find hidden gems, and he is always happy to share the information. He is known for his library of academic books on gay sexuality and history. He is happy to offer book titles and resource material to all. As an artist he has donated original works both in paint or pencil to titleholders and charities. As an author he has published three previous books: The Complete leatherboy Handbook 2nd edition, The leatherboy Handbook 1st edition, and To Walk with Strangers. He is co-owner of Adynaton Publishing and has dedicated himself in that company to give other authors in the kink community a voice in print for the future. In the past, he has participated in many educational leather classes both as demo and instructor. His presentations include: revitalizing organizations, formation of nonprofit clubs, art of gay cruising, boot worship, cigar play, gay vs. het Leather, as well as many topics on being a leatherboy. He has donated artwork to erotic auctions, titleholders, and events for fundraisers since 2003. He also has spent several years as a custom leather maker and has created sashes as well as title patches for many titleholders in the Midwest. Some of his most notable sashes and patches were the IMsL sashes and IMsBB patches under Amy’s ownership for three years. He began his journey in 2000 as a boy, collared to Daddy Todd of Missouri in 2002. He then became a ward to a Butch Master Theseus in 2004, serving four years. He was then released and able to make his own way. In 2010, he became a switch and has had two boys under consideration (aka training) for his collar. He has proudly mentored many boys, Sirs, and switches over the years. He knows there will be more, and he looks forward to that experience in the years to come.