Roberto Pedreira

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Roberto Pedreira is the author of Jiu-Jitsu in the South Zone, 1997-2008, Choque 1, 1856-1949, Choque 2, 1950-1960, Choque 3, 1961-1999, and Craze: The Life and Times of Jiu-Jitsu, trilogy. Craze 1 covers 1854-1904; Craze 2 covers 1905-1914. Craze 3 covers 1915-1934. Craze 4 will cover 1935 to 1964 and will be published in early 2022. The Origins and Evolution of Modern Jiu-Jitsu will be available in 2023. Roberto has published the Global Training Report internet site ( since 2000, covering martial arts from Brazil, Thailand, Korea, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan and Anglo-America. He has been and still is an active practitioner of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu since 1994, in addition to other martial arts including Muay Thai.
