This is the only official author page for Debtors Anonymous, operated by the General Service Board of Debtors Anonymous. Debtors Anonymous is a non-profit organization based on the Twelve-Step principles of Alcoholics Anonymous. For some people, unsecured debt which is debt not secured by some form of collateral such as a house or car, becomes an addictive and unmanageable part of their lives. Compulsive debtors often engage in compulsive shopping or underearning, or alternate between overspending and deprivation. Debtors Anonymous offers a program of recovery from compulsive debting and financial chaos. Those who wish to stop incurring debt are encouraged to attend meetings, read D.A. literature, seek the advice of a program sponsor, and follow the 12 Steps of the Debtors Anonymous program. While D.A. makes certain literature available worldwide through online vendors, this should not be taken as any endorsement of the services of any one vendor in observance of our Sixth Tradition of non-affiliation. To purchase or peruse the entire library of D.A. literature, visit the official website at