Rebekah Duchesneau earned her title, The Notorious Mrs. D, working as a paraeducator in special education. The term "notorious" because she pushed students to achieve more than they believed they could; "Mrs. D" because adults couldn’t pronounce her last name. Rebekah chose to use this as her pen name as it was more reflective of her personality and because it was easier to pronounce. Rebekah enjoys observing others and then sharing with them their strengths and gifts. As she writes, Rebekah works to promote a healthy sense of self mixed with a little virtue and, where appropriate, a dash of humor. She confesses that there is a little bit of her in every character she develops, even the dust bunnies (try figuring that one out). Aside from her “day job” as an optician, Rebekah has been involved in editing and formatting for others. Prior to that, she was editor and contributing writer for an online theology magazine. Rebekah graduated from Liberty University Seminary (online) with an MDiv in Church Ministries. She has 3 children and 2 grandsons. All her children are growed-ups. Her son, now 29, has Down Syndrome (and other health challenges). He lives with her in a suburb near Des Moines, Iowa, where she was born and raised.