Celesta Letchworth started writing professionally in 1982 as a technical writer for a computer department. She has since had articles appear in "The Chorister," plays published by Lillenas Publishing Company, and has been a freelance greeting card writer for Dayspring. Celesta has served as a drama clinician at local, regional, and national conferences, including the Choristers Guild Summer Seminar, Lillenas Music and Drama Conference, the Christian Artists’ Seminar in the Rockies, and the North American Christians in Theatre Arts Networking Conference. As a performing artist with the Kentucky Arts Council, she has visited schools as Opera Annie and Beethoven's Housekeeper. Letchworth holds a Master of Music degree from Southern Methodist University. Most recently, she has received awards for devotional writing and screenwriting. One of her blogs, "Choose This Day Multiple Choice Family Bible Studies," served as inspiration to publish a series of multiple choice Bible studies. The first of this series was released by Fermata House in November, 2018 – "Getting Ready for Christmas: 25 Multiple Choice Bible Studies for Advent." She’s currently working on studies for the book of Colossians and the parables of Jesus, scheduled to be released in the spring and summer of 2019. https://choosethisdayfamilybiblestudy.wordpress.com/ Celesta started a daily "Humor in the News" blog in August, 2018. At a time when reading the newspaper can be so depressing, she tries to find “the funny” in the news because sometimes you just gotta laugh to keep from cryin’. https://humorinthenews.wordpress.com/