Nikki J. is a 28 year old African American female HIV educator and advocate. In 2008, Nakeisa went in for a check up while in college and received devastating news a few weeks later. She was diagnosed with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. After receiving this news she decided to get educated on the disease and seek out services. When she began her journey to educated she noticed a major gap in representation of women living with HIV. The statistics were high for women but low for education among women. Nikki J. took this information and decided to change her major to nursing, and attend Georgia State University. She graduated in 2012 and has been working as a Registered Nurse for 6 years. She has continued to expand her education by receiving her Masters in Nursing Informatics at University of Phoenix in 2015. She is now currently attending South University to receive her Nurse Practitioner degree. During her time as a nurse she noticed a lot of fear associated with HIV among healthcare workers and non-healthcare workers and this is when she decided it was time to share her story. She shared the intricate details of her story with H.I.V. on YouTube. She then started an online support group where she shares information with other women with HIV. Nikki J. also is a blogger where she shares information about H.I.V. and her experiences with miscarriages. She has also been featured in blogs and podcasts. Nakeisa Jackson is on a mission to educate women around the world via the internet and through community events. She is collaborating her efforts with other community organizations including the Georgia Mutual Aid Center in the Lakewood community to educate others on the disease. Nakeisa will be launching her non-profit to eliminate HIV associated stigma and provide medical services to women in the Atlanta area. Life After HIV is her debut book.