Simona Ceccarelli is a British/Italian children illustrator.
After a thoroughly nerdy childhood, she left home with a passion for both art and science, a large library – which has been growing out of control ever since – and a dream that life would offer wealth beyond riches and several roads to travel. Her first journey was to study science and, after earning a doctorate, she worked as a medical research scientist for more than 10 years.
Art eventually lured her back to follow “the road not taken.” She studied illustration and visual development at San Francisco’s Academy of Art University. After graduation, she focussed on children’s book illustration, advertisement and concept art for children products and entertainment. She loves bright colors, characters, story and having children go: “wow!”
Simona has illustrated books for Scholastic, Sterling Children Publishing, Rizzoli/Mondadori and Rubicon among others.
She currently lives in Switzerland with one German husband two kids, three nationalities and four languages.