Justin D. Hill


Justin was born in the Bahamas, a luxurious beginning to life, of which he has almost no recollection. His first proper memories are of rainy Yorkshire, instead. After stumbling across Dungeons and Dragons when he was ten years old, he bought his first White Dwarf #32 for an article about Rings of Power. He has grown up with the Warhammer hobby and as a long-time IG player, its a rare honour to add a little bit more of blood to the Grim Dark future. For more information see www.justinhillauthor.com Twitter: @JHillAuthor Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/justinhillauthor/ Interview: https://www.trackofwords.com/2017/09/23/rapid-fire-justin-d-hill-on-cadia-stands/ In the RealWorld™ Justin D. Hill writes under the cunning pseudonym Justin Hill.



