Beth Detjens enjoyed an extraordinary childhood in rural Virginia, where her family hosted an endless menagerie of domestic pets, exotic pets, and local wildlife. She has earned two Bachelor's Degrees in Education and two Master’s Degrees in Business. Her Bachelor's degrees in Education are in Secondary English, Grades 6-12, and Exceptional Student Education. Her Master's Degrees in Business are a Master of Arts in Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Science in Management and Leadership (MSML).
Today, Beth enjoys a corporate career in marketing, along with freelance writing, graphic design and business consulting. She appreciates the simple joys of family life with her husband, two kids, and two (just two) Goldendoodles. Never Buy a Raccoon at a Gas Station is her first book, followed by Never Put an Alligator in Your Car and Never Hide a Horse in the Freezer. For more information on the "Never" book series, visit