Matias Bailone

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Matias Bailone

University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Matías Bailone is a jurist specialized in criminal law and criminology. Professor at the University of Buenos Aires and several universities in Latin America and Europe. Author of numerous books on the subject. Secretary of the Supreme Court of Justice of Argentina. For more information:

Matías Bailone (Villa Mercedes, San Luis, Argentina, 1980) PhD, Criminal Law (University of San Carlos de Guatemala), Specialist in International Criminal Law and Islamic Law from the University of Palermo (Italy), Specialist in Human Rights and Democratization Processes from the University of Chile and the International Center for Transitional Justice. Specialist in Criminal Law at the University of Buenos Aires.

Criminal Law and Criminology post-doctoral researcher at University of Buenos Aires. Criminology Professor at University of Buenos Aires and University of San Martín. International Criminal Law Professor of University of La Matanza. Former criminal law professor and permanent PhD researcher at International and European Criminal Law Institute at University of Castilla - La Mancha (Spain).

Representative of Argentina and General Secretary of the Standing Committee of the United Nations Crime Prevention in Latin America (COPLAD - ILANUD, San Jose of Costa Rica). Professor of several universities abroad (Spain, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras and Bolivia). Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of criminal law and criminology at the La Ley - Thomson Reuters Publisher.

He was a consultant for several criminal reforms in Latin America and a senior advisor to the Ministries of Justice of Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru. He is currently Law clerk of the Supreme Court of Justice of Argentine. For five years he was director of the Research Institute of the Argentina Supreme Court.

Author of numerous articles and doctrines on criminal law and criminology in specialized journals and collective works. He has published several books in Spain, Argentina, Peru and Chile.

Research areas: Counterterrorism and Human Rights. International Criminal Law. Genocide. State Crimes. Authorship and participation. Criminology. History of Criminal Sciences.

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