Arthur Birago, born in Austria, embarked on a lifelong journey of exploration from a young age. Having traveled to over 100 countries and spent more than 15 years in Asia, he cultivated a rich tapestry of experiences. After residing in Berlin for three years, he embraced an adventurous lifestyle, roaming Spain, Portugal, and Scandinavia in 2020/21 while living in a Campervan and car with a tent.
His literary pursuits commenced with "The Ghost in the Tree," a captivating collection of short stories, published in English. He delved into his family's history with "Der Verlust der Schwerkraft," a poignant work in German, unveiling the fate of his grandfather who vanished in 1944, uncovering a haunting secret.
"Die Braune Zeit" tells gripping tales rooted in forgotten archives, exposing the dark shadows of Nazi times in his hometown, Grieskirchen, Upper Austria. His gripping psychogram, focusing on the life of Nazi war criminal Ernst Kaltenbrunner, reveals the depths of the cruelty of one of history's most heinous mass murderers.
Since September 2021, Arthur Birago has found a home in Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India, where he shares his passion for dogs and works as a dog trainer. Together with a team, he also shares the responsibility of the Auroville Dog Shelter, caring for over 300 rescue dogs.
In his most recent book "Jimmy Walks Over the Rainbow Bridge" the author offers parents support to help their children to deal with the sadness and grief following the loss of their cherished pet dog.
Currently Arthur Birago is working on a book about "Integral Dog Training" which is expected to be published end of 2023.