Nancy Bradeen Spannaus started studying Alexander Hamilton in the mid-1970s. In 1977 she co-edited a book of writings on the economics of the American Revolution (The Political Economy of the American Revolution, available on Amazon), in which major excerpts from Hamilton’s major financial papers were featured. After a career in political journalism, Nancy intensified her studies of Hamilton’s American System. In 2017 she set up the blog American System Now, which serves as a resource on the history of the American System, and comments on current events in that light. A special feature is Hamilton's actual record in fighting to abolish slavery! The blog currently features more than 600 articles on American System figures such as Mathew Carey, Henry Carey, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. While applauding Ron Chernow's comprehensive biography, Nancy saw the need for a sharp focus on Hamilton's economics, especially his Report on Manufactures. And Miranda's Hamilton Musical created a new surge of interest. Thus, my book Hamilton Versus Wall Street. Now I have followed up that volume with one on how Hamilton's economic policy of industrialization was essential in order for the young American republic to eliminate slavery without a Civil War. America had a strong anti-slavery movement, but the sabotage of Hamilton's system undercut it. This is history Americans need to know to resolve our crises today. Nancy has deep New England and Revolutionary roots. She was born in Portland, Maine in 1943, of parents who both were descended from American patriots. She is a member of the DAR and of the Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society. She and her husband Ed live in northern Virginia, where they both indulge in as much history as possible.