Solomon Petchers

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Solomon Petchers is originally from New York. After moving to Southern California in 1997, he entered the education field. During his twenty-three year career, he's made lasting connections with colleagues, families, and most importantly, the students. Solomon is constantly looking for ways to make education fun and innovative. In addition to teaching, he was a trainer for the Quantum Learning Network. "Traveling to schools to share brain-based strategies was an honor."

Writing is something that Solomon has always loved. Stephen King is among his favorite authors, so it's no wonder that he and his wife, Veronica, are big fans of scary movies. His first work, A Ghost in the Attic, is a book that he started many years ago. So much of the main character, Samson, is pulled right from his childhood. That's why he feels such a special connection to this book.

In 2020, the highly anticipated Feasters: An Apocalyptic Tale is set to be released. It is a story about three teenage vampires that are trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic zombie world where the Feasters rule the streets.
