Tammy Sherrow RN MN


Tammy Sherrow has a bachelor of science degree and a master’s degree in nursing. During her thirty-three years as a nurse, the majority of her clinical experience has focused on the premature population, both in the NICU and in the community, as a staff nurse, educator, manager, and researcher. Tammy spent five years working with a specialized neonatal team following very low birth weight preemies and their families at home and knows firsthand the challenges they can face, especially during that first year. Tammy has published professional articles on the topics of parenting a preemie and gastroesophageal reflux management and has been a co-investigator in neonatal research projects on oral feeding and post-discharge outcomes. She has presented locally, nationally, and internationally on the topics of premature babies and NICU-to-home transition. She is an associate professor at the School of Nursing & Midwifery at Mount Royal University in Calgary, Alberta.


